Code a portfolio site using HTML & an external style sheet (CSS)
- home page
- about me page (or section)
- resume
- at least 4 projects
Site will be deployed on & hosted by gitHub
- the folder name needs to be exactly
- have a top level file called index.html
- your styles in a .css file (or multiple .css files, organized in a way that makes sense to you)
- a folder for any other resources (example: image folder, icons or graphics)
- Properly indented html code
- css that is readable and easy to follow along
- Careful comments in the code that future developers (or yourself, in the future) can follow
- Responsive, most likely using CSS grid
- Has at least three views (ex. About me, portfolio samples, project description. These views can share a single page or be built at multiple .html files
- Contains final resume with new styling to match your site
- Have at least one interactive element
- Shows research of effective portfolio sites
- A clear hierarchy that allows the viewer to navigate content. This can be achieved through use of:
- Font weight
- Point size
- White space
- Indentation
- Organization of content
- Leading
- No more than two fonts
- Demonstrates the student’s unique voice as a designer
- Considers the user and has clear interactive elements
- Free of typos and typographic distractions
- Typographic details are well-considered (proper use of guidelines provided in typographic details)
Notes for final presentation:
- 7 minutes
- Share user survey results, at least five surveys taken (ideally 10 – 15)
- Case study: one piece of user feedback that you used to make the portfolio site for effective
- How does the site celebrate your unique identity as an artist & designer?
- What typographic decisions did you make that enhance the site?
Student examples Fall 2019 web type | Sarah Silva | Cameron Reese | Alison Simao | Tailyn Clark