Daily syllabus
- 01: Introductions | Jan 19 – 21
- 02: HTML | Jan 26 – Jan 28
- 03: CSS | Feb 2 – Feb 4
- 04: Typography and layout | Feb 9 – 11
- 05: Responsive grids | Feb 18
- 06: Interactive design & Animation| Feb 23 – 25
- 07: Identity and typographic Systems | Mar 2 – 4 Spring Break Mar 8 – 12
- 08: Navigation | Mar 16 – Mar 18
- 09: Javascript | Mar 23 – 25
- 10: User stories and asset plan | Mar 30 – Apr 1
- 11: Site development | Apr 6 – Apr 8
- 12: User testing | Apr 13 – 15
- 13: Individual meetings | Apr 20 – 22
- 14: Presentations | Apr 27 – 29
- 15: Presentations (continued) | Section one: Tuesday May 4, 9 – 11 am | Section two: Monday, May 3, 12-2
Week One: Introductions
Class 01| Tuesday, Jan 19
- welcomes, account registrations & syllabus review
- introduction activity
- What is web typography? Why learn these skills?
- Basics vocabulary review
- Sign up for required accounts (github, codepen, code academy, slack) and optional accounts (soundcloud, gmail, flickr, vimeo, mailchimp, youtube, quizlet)
- make your intro post slack in the “general” channel
- purchase flashcards & sketchbook (8.5×11) or set up digital system
- Begin to collect content for resumes
- Install software – VS Code & Adobe software
- Make basics flashcards
- begin html on code academy (20%)
Class 02 |Thursday, Jan 21
- wireframes vs. mockups
- grids
- Assignment review: the business card
- Review of designer’s business cards, physical and on codepen
- Begin making wireframes of business card designs, mobile first
- Research business cards
- Make wireframes or a mock ups of your strongest three designs and post them to the “works-in-progress” channel on slack in a single post
- 2 hours, codeAcademy – Intro to HTML (75%)
Week Two: HTML
Class 03 | Tuesday, Jan 26
- Meet and greet activity | In breakout rooms, review wireframes. Make comment in slack
- Why make a portfolio site? How do websites work? Advantages and disadvantages of web publication, careers options in this field, unique qualities of this course
- Code Along | HTML starter code – boiler plate. File set up, html tags, Live Server extension
- LAB: laying out a business card
- finish codeAcademy – Intro to HTML, begin Intro to CSS
- revise business card design, high fidelity mockup, post to work-in-progress channel on slack
- make html flashcards from codeacademy, vocab channel on slack & quizlet
Class 04 | Thursday, Jan 28
- Business card work day
- develop business cards, finish high fidelity mock up for mobile based on the template posted in the #general channel
- Spend 2 hours in Intro to CSS track on code academy
- find a resume that inspires you, post to slack in a single post in the general channel. Resume should have clear typographic hierarchy
- find three job descriptions that you would like to have in the future, post to general channel on slack
Week Three: CSS
Class 05 | Tuesday, Feb 2
- Typographic Principles, html & css relationship
- Activities review homework – resumes & job descriptions
- LAB: coding business cards
- business card code along starter code | changing typefaces | placing images and changing color
- Watch using styles in indesign
- Collect content for resumes
- education
- experience
- skills
- Work on business cards
- type resume content in indesign and begin styling
Class 06 | Thursday, Feb 4
- What makes an effective resume?
- Business card work day
- css box model, padding & margin
- Web typography principles
- Code along: business card, part two
- LAB: positioning divs, layout of your business card
- Topics reviewed: divs as containers, Class & ID
Homework |
- 2 hours of codeAcademy (finish css)
- Edit business cards, placing in social media icons and adjusting colors, placing images
- Develop the content of your resumes in indesign using styles, black and white, establish a clear structure with headers and bulleted lists, send to Lara as a pdf in a direct message on slack
- watch Understanding positioning video
- make CSS flashcards
Week Four: Typography and Layout
Class 07 | Tuesday, Feb 9
- Business card code review in small groups
- Favicon introduction | What makes a good favicon
- Students share screen of successful business card and resume content
- Building a webpage
- Watch: Watch UX Design Tutorial for Beginners
- Draw 50 logo concepts in one hour, post your favorite three thumbnails to the #works-in-press channel
- Develop business cards
- If you haven’t sent your resume to Lara, send as a direct message on slack
Class 08 | Thursday, Feb 11
- individual review of resumes with students
- lab time for students edit their resume content and finish business cards
- What is responsive design?
- Watch: Abstract: The Art of Design | Paula Scher: Graphic Design 45 min, take notes. Make a post about the Paula Scher video on #general channel on slack of three things you learned from the video
- further develop mockups of resume, both mobile & desktop
- finish business cards
- Develop thumbnail concepts of favicons
- Optional: two hours on css grid
Week Five : Responsive Grids
Class 09 | Tuesday, Feb 16 – no meeting, University schedule
Chynna Monforte artist talk @ 7pm
Class 10 | Thursday, Feb 18
- Business cards due, review (it is ok if you still have a few bugs)
- Review of favicon concepts on slack
- Review of Paula Scher video
- Review options for the next assignment
- Prepare a vector file for next weeks demo, can be a draft of your logo mark concept
- write a first draft of your asset plan
- portrait
- about me paragraph
- select at least four projects to feature, begin to collect images and text about featured projects
- A round of revisions to your resume, post your latest version as a pdf to the works-in-progress channel
- Watch Chynna Monforte Artist Talk, take notes
Week Six : Animation and Interaction
Class 11 | Tuesday, Feb 23
- Breakout rooms, review in progress work, resumes and favicons
- Review the Responsive Design: resume assignment & Link tree assignment
- Preparing your svg file
- CodeAlong | starter code animate your favicon with animate.style
- Code Along | starter code typographic styling and span tag
If you are coding your resume:
- Create digital mockups of layout for phone, desktop & tablet and post to the #works-in-progress channel on slack. Can be black and white or color
If you are creating a link tree:
- Create digital mockups of layout for phone, desktop & tablet and post to the #works-in-progress channel on slack. Can be black and white or color
Class 12 | Thursday, Feb 25
- post business cards to github
- codeAlong: Responsive grids video |example code
- codeAlong Interactive Design, :hover, z index, css grid grid video | starter code
- optional: starter code for line trace animation
- Students work on customizing their resumes or linktree and drawing a plan for their responsive grids
- Revise resumes or link tree, draw plan for responsive grid, add hover effects
- codeAlong: Responsive grids video |example code
Post both plan for responsive grid and hover effects into your personal channel - For those developing a resume, Convert resume to txt document, wrap content with tags. You do not need to style yet
- convert your resume to txt file
- create a new folder in vs code for your resume
- past your txt file into the .html document
- wrap each section in tags
Week Seven : Identity and Typographic Systems
Class 13 | Tuesday, Mar 2
- Review mockups in breakout rooms
- make revisions
- Link tree or resume workday
- Develop link tree/resumes
Class 13 | Thursday, Mar 4
- Portfolio site assignment
- Single page sites
- resume work day
- placing in your nav bar
- Mockups for drawings for portfolio site, 3 completely different concepts (consider motion & interaction, your unique skill set)
- continue to develop an asset plan for your portfolio site (how many images will you need, text you will need to write)
- Develop styling in css
Spring break – Mar 8 – 12
Week Eight : Navigation
Class 15 | Tuesday, Mar 16
- Review portfolio concepts, navigation system
- Code Along | Navigation bars
- Portfolio sites Gaby Mollinedo Lizzy Sour Kiel D. Mutschelknaus http://kielm.land/ | UMD Web typography sites
- in small groups while Lara meets with students to review resumes & portfolio concepts with group C
- Exchange zoom meeting room info with your teammate for Thursday’s meeting (class will not meet that day due to Junior Reviews, but you will meet with your teammate to develop your link tree/resume in vs code and review your portfolio site concepts)
- Watch Code Along | Navigation bars
- Finish asset plan for portfolio site update one drive
- Develop your link tree or resume in VS code, publish work in progress to github
- Learn CSS Grid | CSS Grid Garden
- study grid terminology
Class 16| Thursday, Mar 18
- work day
- build header and site navigation
- publishing of resumes
- develop resumes further, finish nav bars
- find three portfolio sites that inspire you, post links to the professional development channel along with descriptive text
Optional: watch videos on CSS Grid
Week Nine : Javascript and asset plan
Class 17 | Tuesday, Mar 23
- Site research, what is a home page that inspires you?
- Build mockups for home page header and site navigation
- Nested grids
- 2 hours on resumes/link trees
- Wireframes/mock ups of about me page or homepage concept, with nav bar
Optional –
- Cursor styles Free web typography course https://xaviercusso.com
Class 18 | Thursday, Mar 25
- Resume work day
- Students to work in break out groups while Lara helps students individually
- Visual systems presentation, what are your assets?
- Read Vertical rhythm in web typography
- Create first draft of linktree or resume, publish to github
- Put resume content on linkedin
- Create mockups of both homepage and about me page, post to individual channels
- Read Vertical rhythm in web typography
Week Ten : User Stories
Class 19 | Tuesday, Mar 30
- Develop user personas | Fall 2020 | Spring 2020
- Setting file structure – single page vs. multi page sites
- Don’t Make Me Think UX/UI book
- About me code along | part one | part two | part three
- @media breakpoints
- @keyframe animations
- add a button, add with Javascript to change src | starter code on github
- Further define user personas, post 8.5×11 user persona page to individual channel
- Refine high fidelity mock up of about me page (add resume button) and home page
Class 20 | Thursday, Apr 1
- Site review
- In groups, user profiles, review of asset plans, fill out digital worksheet of user personas
- LAB: About me pages
- In class work time, Lara to check in with groups
- develop sites
- develop about me pages
- complete planning documents and & user personas on the class drive
Week Eleven: Site Development
Class 21 | Tuesday, Apr 6
- review of issue queue | example – Spring 2020 issue queue
- about me code along
- optional 1:1 meetings
- in class work time in breakout rooms
- https://saijogeorge.com/brand-style-guide-examples
- resume review
- in-process review of about me pages
- code about me page
Class 22 | Thursday, Apr 8
- Work day
Week Twelve: User Testing
Class 23 | Tuesday, Apr 13
- code along: portfolio page
- user testing survey creation
- in process review of about me page
- Open source fonts | good web type resources| sign up for free web type course
Class 24 | Thursday, Apr 15
- Group work as Lara meets with students
- In class work time, portfolio site
Week Thirteen: Individual Meetings
Class 25 | Tuesday, Apr 20
- Meet with students on portfolio site development
Class 26 | Thursday, Apr 22
- 1:1 meetings, student presentations of site development and survey
Week Fourteen: Presentations
Class 27 | Tuesday, Apr 27
- 1:1 meetings, student presentations of site development and survey
Week Fifteen: Revisions
Finals| Portfolio Site, final presentations
Section one: Tuesday May 4, 9 – 11 am | Section two: Monday, May 3, 12 – 2pm
Students will have until Thursday May 6th at midnight to push final files to github. This will include edits & fixing of bugs