The process for creating your resume will be to:
- Write
- Create Hierarchy & Explore Systems – using styles in indesign
- Save the file in a text format
- Open it with vscode, begin to wrap tags around the code & style with css
Heading Usually include your name, address, phone number, email address, and URL. If you plan to move while your resume is in use, include your school address and your permanent address. Since you’ll be creating a web-based resume, I recommend only listing your city and state for your address. Your github account will be your url.
Objective Have an objective. Know what it is, so you can tailor your language to this objective. DO NOT put the objective on the resume. It’s OLD SCHOOL.
Executive Summary/ about me Instead on an objective include an executive summary, which should be like a “30-second elevator pitch.” “In approximately three to five sentences, explain what you’re great at, most interested in, and how you can provide value to a prospective employer,” Read more
Education Identify your degree, major, graduation date (anticipated), and school.
Include education abroad and relevant vocational schools, certificates, and job training. You may include your GPA if it is 3.0 or higher. Employer expectations may vary.
Course Listings/ Projects You may include a short list of courses to show experience, training, or knowledge in the field as long as they are relevant to the job objective. Another option is to highlight the work done in a specific class. Talk up a project from an earlier class. As you gain more experience, replace that project with a more complex project. Choose a project aligned with your objective.
Skills Include specific skills that pertain to your objective such as computer languages, technical skills, and lab techniques. You can include interpersonal and adaptive skills such as communication, leadership, writing research, teamwork, etc. Try to back up each skill on your resume with specific and convincing evidence.
Experience If you have extensive experience, some of it unrelated to your objective, use two subsections: related and additional.
Use your most important and relevant experience to convince the employer that you have the skills necessary to do the job. In this section articulate your accomplishments clearly and concisely using active voice to present evidence of your skills.
Optional information You can include professional and extracurricular affiliations and activities, honors and awards, and sports.
Formatting Keep your resume to one page unless you have extensive related experience. Organize headings so that the most important points are first. Organize information so the most recent experiences are first.
Pay attention to details. When writing, make sure you check for spelling and grammar. Use a consistent voice and hierarchy. When designing, pay attention to typographic details such as punctuation, numbers, and abbreviations.