
Part One: Create an account

In your inbox, you should see an invitation from me to join a slack workspace called CVPA Faculty. If possible, in advance of Friday’s meeting, create an account and join the CVPA Faculty workspace.

Download Slack’s desktop and mobile apps

When you download the Slack desktop and mobile apps, you can receive notifications on all your devices and stay in sync when you’re on the move. Whatever you do on one device is reflected everywhere — Slack apps keep your place, letting you pick up conversations wherever you left off.

Go to to download Slack’s desktop and mobile apps.

Part Two: Create a Workspace

we will do this together in the workshop on Friday

  1. Go to
  2. Enter your email address, then click Next. Check your email for a 6-digit confirmation code.
  3. Enter your code, then name your workspace and click Next
  4.  Create a new channel for your workspace. Channels organize conversations about any topic, like a project your team is working on.
  5. Add coworkers’ email addresses if you’re ready to invite others. Otherwise, select skip for now
  6. Click See Your Channel in Slack to visit your workspace.
  7. Select Finish Signing Up at the top of the screen. Enter your name and password, then click Next.
  8. Review your workspace name and URL, then click Finish to save. Welcome to Slack!

Set up your profile

Building out your Slack profile with a clear profile photo and information about you. It will help other people in your workspace learn more about you. Your profile will have the information you entered when you created your account, but some workspaces may have additional profile fields for you to fill out.

Part Three: Tools for Art & Design courses

  • polling
  • zoom integration for instant meetings
  • github integration
  • code snippets